Optimized Air Conditioner Performance
Don’t let anyone fool you … the secret to optimized air conditioner performance is regular maintenance. As your air conditioner performs it’s duties day after day, month after month there are a lot of things going on just out of sight, hidden from the homeowners view. Whether you are running a high SEER energy efficient machine, or are trying to squeeze every last nickel out of the old equipment that was there when you bought your home, there is much to be gained by having an experienced set of eyes look nover your equipment on a regular basis.

A brand new air conditioner ready for installation.
Have you ever looked up into the sunlight and noticed the multitude of particles floating in the air? While small and seemingly insignificant, over the course of time these small particles can accumulate inside your a/c equipment inhibiting air flow, and diminishing your air conditioners ability to move air through it so that it can be cooled.

A?C filter clogged with dust and cat hair was the cause of this air conditioner “ice up”!
Less airflow means less cooling!

Dirty blades on a fan motor can make a significant difference in how effectively your air conditioner cools
The secret to optimized air conditioner performance is essentially keeping your a/c equipment able to move as much air as possible through a system that effectively removes latent heat in the form of moisture. Without regular maintenance your air conditioner WILL begin to have a diminished ability to perform these functions fairly quickly. If your a/c hasn’t been checked in over a year you definitely are over due. A thorough system check will not only include air flow issues, but also, electrical connections, vegetative growth, mechanical integrity, biological infestations, and the effects of weather and heat on your equipment.
Community Cooling is offering a 16 point cooling system check which includes:
Clean your condenser coils.
Check operating pressures
Check electrical connections
Check sub-cooling
Check fan blade
Lubricate moving parts
Clean air filters
check thermostat
Check blower operation
Check controls
Check superheat
Check temperature drop across evaporator
Clean indoor coil if visible
Check complete unit operation
Treat condesate line and pan
Make necessary recommendation
This is a total system check that includes your entire air conditioning system. Don’t be fooled by companies that claim they are doing a 32 or 54 point check. This is disingenuous from the very start, and something of a negative indicator as to their overall honesty and trust-worthiness. At Community Cooling we check everything, we explain everything, answer all your questions, and help you make informed decisions! We NEVER try to upsell the job for our own benefit (as many of our competitiors do).
Not knowing why … IS COSTING YOU MONEY!
Call Today For Air Conditioner Service, Repair, Maintenance, and Installation

Our well stocked trucks, and well trained air conditioning technicians are always on call when you need air conditioner service, repairs, or maintenance.
Our Motto is…“We won’t send you a wolf in sheep’s clothing …
just an honest professional”
We guarantee all our repairs and offer a Free Second Opinion

Kurt Hartmann, Owner of Community Cooling and Heating
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