Community Cooling and Heating Inc.
Fort Myers, Florida
Efficient air conditioner operation begins with proper installation!
There is always much talk about this brand of air conditioner or that is best, or better, or worse. In our experience it seems that more often than not, the multitude of air conditioner manufacturers are all about on par with each other with regard to durability and longevity. While maintenance also plays a huge role, an improperly installed air conditioner is fighting an uphill battle from day one! It will work harder, to produce less cooling, only to break down way too soon! Contractors too often rush through the installation process so they can get to their next appointment. Air conditioner installations need to be handled with great care, and their are many details to be attended to to ensure efficient operation.
At Community Cooling we service and repair all types and brands of air conditioners. Many air conditioning companies are closely tied to an air conditioner manufacturer, and have signed a contract that requires them to recommend that specific brand to all their customers. Community Cooling and Heating has no such commitment , which means we can offer you the best value for your dollar … at this particular time, and for your specific needs.
Our installation technicians are all experienced and field tested. Their training goes beyond simply knowing how to do the work in an expert fashion. They are also trained to understand the science behind the equipment, and use that knowlege both to help diagnose problems quickly, and to explain the precise nature of the problem to our clients. Additionally, we fully train our staff to respect our clients and their homes.
“Community Cooling prides itself on putting the customers needs first!
When your air conditioner needs repairs we send you a qualified repair tech …
NOT a salesman!”
Our Motto is…“We won’t send you a wolf in sheep’s clothing …
just an honest professional”
We guarantee all our repairs and offer a Free Second Opinion

Kurt Hartmann, Owner of Community Cooling and Heating
Honesty means putting the customers needs, and budget, first!
Whether experiencing a problem,
or just have a question or two,
Call Today For Air Conditioner Service, Repair, Maintenance, and Installation
We guarantee all our repairs and offer a Free Second Opinion
Our Motto is…“We won’t send you a wolf in sheep’s clothing …
just an honest professional”
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